I’m engaged on verifying a Schnorr signature for a Bitcoin transaction, and regardless of the signature verification succeeding, I am encountering the next error when broadcasting the transaction:
Standing Err("RPC error: Object {"code": Quantity(-26), "message": String("non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (Invalid Schnorr signature)")}")
Listed below are the main points of my transaction:
Unsigned Transaction Hex:
Signed Transaction Hex:
I’ve verified the Schnorr signature utilizing the suitable sighash, and the whole lot checks out. But, when I attempt to broadcast the transaction, I obtain the above RPC error.
What could possibly be inflicting this error, and the way can I resolve it?
Extra Context:
- I am working with SegWit v1 Taproot outputs.
- The signature verification course of makes use of the proper sighash.
- The
fields are correctly set.
Any insights or strategies could be drastically appreciated!
Code to generate signature and confirm
pub fn sign_transaction(
tx: &mut Transaction,
priv_key: &PrivateKey,
mpc_group_pub_key: String,
funding_script: String,
) -> End result {
let secp = Secp256k1::new();
// Create sighasher utilizing a mutable reference to tx as a substitute of cloning it.
let mut sighasher = SighashCache::new(tx.clone());
//Vault Pub Key
println!("MPC key :{:?}",mpc_group_pub_key);
let prev_out_1 = ScriptBuf::from_hex(&format!("5120{}", mpc_group_pub_key)).unwrap();
let prev_out_2 = ScriptBuf::from_hex(&funding_script).unwrap();
// Outline earlier UTXOs
let prev_utxo_0 = TxOut {
worth: 10007,
script_pubkey: prev_out_1,
let prev_utxo_1 = TxOut {
// worth: tx.output.get(1).unwrap().worth,
worth: 2500000000,
script_pubkey: prev_out_2,
let prev_utxo = vec![prev_utxo_0, prev_utxo_1];
let prevouts: bdk::bitcoin::psbt::Prevouts<_> = Prevouts::All(&prev_utxo);
let sighash: bdk::bitcoin::sighash::TapSighash = sighasher
.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
let msg = Message::from(sighash);
// Signal the sighash utilizing the secp256k1 library (exported by rust-bitcoin).
let key_pair = KeyPair::from_secret_key(&secp, &priv_key.interior);
let signature = secp.sign_schnorr_no_aux_rand(&msg, &key_pair);
// Replace the witness stack.
let signature = Signature {
sig: signature,
hash_ty: bdk::bitcoin::sighash::TapSighashType::Default,
println!("Signature :{:?}", hex::encode(signature.to_vec()));
let witness = sighasher.witness_mut(0).ok_or("Did not get witness")?;
let sk = SecretKey::from_str("8756415bbbbf1ce134ca7b97e2ca584cb52150783cb37f78cc41ccc7aacc10f1").unwrap();
let secp = Secp256k1::new();
let hex_msg = "0b5d2c9103c794eec24dd3dbbbfc8c8efc377d3fd613b958bdfc9d649166dc5f";
let msg = bdk::bitcoin::secp256k1::Message::from_slice(&hex::decode(hex_msg).unwrap()).unwrap();
let sig = bdk::bitcoin::secp256k1::schnorr::Signature::from_slice(&hex::decode("b9ca544040e9dee3b547b5c781ae13d15a5b20369e522b684c240a9e353b9b4bde1bca69642963801b33dd8ecc50c8714cfa4bb386390a867baabafde59dfd30").unwrap()).unwrap();
let pubkey = bdk::bitcoin::key::PublicKey::from_str("020ea2746ae09dfcd1bfbf0f1bc819f7d1192c8fefd65d4ce3a0f510737a18d61a").unwrap();
println!("Standing {}", secp.verify_schnorr(&sig, &msg, &pubkey.to_x_only_pubkey()).is_ok());