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HomeHealthSushruta Samhita Nidanasthana Chapter 910 Visarpa Nadi Stanaroga Nidanam (Erysipelas, Sinus Ulcer...

Sushruta Samhita Nidanasthana Chapter 910 Visarpa Nadi Stanaroga Nidanam (Erysipelas, Sinus Ulcer and Ailments of the Breast)

The ninth chapter of Nidanasthana of Sushruta Samhita is called as Visarpa Nadi Stanaroga Nidanam Adhyaya. This chapter offers with Erysipelas, Sinus Ulcer and Ailments of the Breast.

अथातो विसर्पनाडीस्तनरोगनिदानं व्याख्यास्यामः ||१||
यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ||२||

Sushruta Samhita Nidanasthana Chapter 910 Visarpa Nadi Stanaroga Nidanam (Erysipelas, Sinus Ulcer and Ailments of the Breast)

We are going to now expound Visarpa – nadi – sthana roga Nidanam – prognosis of erysipelas, sinus ulcer and illnesses of the breasts; as revealed by the venerable Dhanvantari.

1. Visarpa: Erysipelas

Samprarti: Pathogenesis

त्वङ्मांसशोणितगताः कुपितास्तु दोषाः सर्वाङ्गसारिणमिहास्थितमात्मलिङ्गम् |
कुर्वन्ति विस्तृतमनुन्नतमाशु शोफं तं सर्वतो विसरणाच्च विसर्पमाहुः ||३||

The doshas get aggravated and invade the pores and skin, muscle tissue and blood and produce swelling which manifests in fast time.

The swelling would unfold to all of the components of the physique and would have their very own particular options. The lesions are extensive and canopy massive areas of the physique however won’t bulge up.

Because it spreads to all of the components of the physique, this illness known as Visarpa.

Lakshana: Indicators and signs

Vataja Visarpa

वातात्मकोऽसितमृदुः परुषोऽङ्गमर्दसम्भेदतोदपवनज्वरलिङ्गयुक्तः |
गण्डैर्यदा तु विषमैरतिदूषितत्वाद्युक्तः स एव कथितः खलु वर्जनीयः ||४||

Beneath talked about are the signs of Visarpa produced by Vata –

–        Shade – black
–        It’s gentle and tough
–        Accompanied by physique ache
–        Chopping and pricking sorts of ache
–        Signs of fever of vata origin

Prognosis – The vata sort of visarpa shall be rejected when attributable to nice vitiation of the tissues, uneven nodules / small tumors develop within the illness.

Pittaja Visarpa

पित्तात्मको द्रुतगतिर्ज्वरदाहपाकस्फोटप्रभेदबहुलः क्षतजप्रकाशः |
दोषप्रवृद्धिहतमांससिरो यदा स्यात् स्रोतोजकर्दमनिभो न तदा स सिध्येत् ||५||

Beneath talked about are the options of Visarpa brought on by pitta –

–        Shade – resembles the colour of blood
–        Lesions unfold shortly from one place of the physique to the opposite
–        Accompanied by – fever, burning sensation
–        Ripens – there’s formation of pus
–        Vesicles of various sorts seem

Prognosis – Pitta sort of visarpa can’t be cured when the drastically elevated dosha i.e. pitta causes destruction of the muscle tissue and blood vessels making them gangrenous / sloughy.

Kaphaja and Sarvatmaka (Tridoshaja) Visarpa

श्लेष्मात्मकः सरति मन्दमशीघ्रपाकः स्निग्धः सितश्वयथुरल्परुगुग्रकण्डुः |६|
सर्वात्मकस्त्रिविधवर्णरुजोऽवगाढः पक्वो न सिध्यति च मांससिराप्रशातात् ||६||

Beneath talked about are the options of Visarpa brought on by kapha –

–        Shade – white
–        Swelling – which spreads slowly
–        Ripens – after a very long time
–        Is unctuous
–        Presents with slight ache and extreme itching

Beneath talked about are the options of Visarpa brought on by all of the three doshas collectively –

–        The swelling presents with colour and ache of all of the three doshas in blended proportions
–        It’s deep rooted

Prognosis – This situation turns into incurable when it ripens due to the falling off of the muscle tissue and blood vessels.

Kshataja Visarpa

सद्यःक्षतव्रणमुपेत्य नरस्य पित्तं रक्तं च दोषबहुलस्य करोति शोफम् |
श्यावं सलोहितमतिज्वरदाहपाकं स्फोटैः कुलत्थसदृशैरसितैश्च कीर्णम् ||७||

In an individual who already has severely aggravated doshas in his physique, the aggravated pitta and rakta invade a not too long ago induced unintentional wound. By doing so, the doshas give rise to swelling. That is Kshataja Visarpa which can current with the under talked about options.

Options of Kshataja Visarpa –

–        Shade – blue and barely purple
–        Has bleeding
–        Presents with extreme fever and burning sensation
–        There may be formation of pus
–        It’s surrounded by black eruptions which resemble horse gram in form and colour

Sadhyasadhyata: Prognosis

सिध्यन्ति वातकफपित्तकृता विसर्पाः सर्वात्मकः क्षतकृतश्च न सिद्धिमेति |
पैत्तानिलावपि च दर्शितपूर्वलिङ्गौ सर्वे च मर्मसु भवन्ति हि कृच्छ्रसाध्याः ||८||

Curable sorts of Visarpa – Visarpa brought on by particular person doshas i.e.

–        Vataja visarpa
–        Pittaja visarpa and
–        Kaphaja visarpa

Incurable sort of Visarpa

–        Tridoshaja Visarpa – brought on by all three doshas collectively
–        Ksataja Visarpa – that brought on by wound
–        Vata-pittaja Visarpa – that brought on by mixed vitiation of vata and pitta

Beneath talked about sort of visarpa can also be troublesome to treatment –

–        When the signs talked about earlier i.e. formation of slough and small tumors develop
–        Every kind of visarpa occurring on the marmas i.e. very important spots or organs

2. Nadi vrana: Sinus ulcer

शोफं न पक्वमिति पक्वमुपेक्षते यो यो वा व्रणं प्रचुरपूयमसाधुवृत्तः |
अभ्यन्तरं प्रविशति प्रविदार्य तस्य स्थानानि पूर्वविहितानि ततः स पूयः ||९||
तस्यातिमात्रगमनाद्गतिरित्यतश्च नाडीव यद्वहति तेन मता तु नाडी |१०|

He (the doctor) who neglects a ripe swelling considering it as unripe or he who neglects a wound filled with pus, then the pus goes deep inside, destroying the tissues talked about earlier (pores and skin and muscle tissue); due to its transferring inside drastically it is named Gati and for the reason that unfold is thru a tube it’s known as as Nadi (sinus) additionally.

Bheda-Lakshana: Sorts of sinus ulcers and their signs

दोषैस्त्रिभिर्भवति सा पृथगेकशश्च सम्मूर्च्छितैरपि च शल्यनिमित्ततोऽन्या ||१०||

Nadis are produced by every particular person dosha individually and likewise by all of the three doshas collectively. The opposite selection is brought on by overseas our bodies.

तत्रानिलात् परुषसूक्ष्ममुखी सशूला फेनानुविद्धमधिकं स्रवति क्षपायाम् |११|
तृट्तापतोदसदनज्वरभेदहेतुः पीतं स्रवत्यधिकमुष्णमहःसु पित्तात् ||११||
ज्ञेया कफाद्बहुघनार्जुनपिच्छिलास्रा रात्रिस्रुतिः स्तिमितरुक्कठिना सकण्डूः |१२|
दोषद्वयाभिहितलक्षणदर्शनेन तिस्रो गतीर्व्यतिकरप्रभवास्तु विद्यात् ||१२||
दाहज्वरश्वसनमूर्च्छनवक्त्रशोषा यस्यां भवन्त्यभिहितानि च लक्षणानि |
तामादिशेत् पवनपित्तकफप्रकोपाद्धोरामसुक्षयकरीमिव कालरात्रिम् ||१३||
नष्टं कथञ्चिदनुमार्गमुदीरितेषु [१] स्थानेषु शल्यमचिरेण गतिं करोति |
सा फेनिलं मथितमच्छमसृग्विमिश्रमुष्णं स्रवेत सहसा सरुजा च नित्यम् ||१४||

Sort of Nadi Options / Signs
Vataja CoarseHas small opening / orificeIs painfulDischarges very frothy fluidSymptoms / discharges predominant at evening time
Pittaja Discharge of yellow, copious and heat fluidsDischarges primarily occur throughout the day timeAssociated with thirst, elevated heat, pricking ache, debility, fever
Kaphaja Sinus is hardExudates are massive in amount, thick, white and slimyDischarges / exudates happen primarily at nights,Related to fixed and delicate ache, itching
Samsarga They’re of three sorts, brought on by mixed aggravation of two doshasSymptoms of mixture of two doshas are current
Sannipata That is brought on by all of the three doshas aggravated togetherSymptoms embrace burning sensation, fever, dyspnea, fainting and dryness of mouthIt is a dreadful situation. It results in demise, similar to Kalaratri – sister of Yama, the lord of demise.
Shalya janya Any salya – overseas physique getting into into the tissue and getting misplaced (hidden) therein – inside the tissues talked about earlier i.e. pores and skin, muscle and so forth. would produce a sinus shortly. From the sinus there happens exudes of heat liquid, frothy, churned up, clear or blood blended. These happen all of the sudden and at all times and are accompanied with ache.

3. Stana rogas: Ailments of the breasts

यावत्यो गतयो यैश्च कारणैः सम्भवन्ति हि |
तावन्तः स्तनरोगाः स्युः स्त्रीणां तैरेव हेतुभिः ||१५||

Stana rogas are the illnesses of the breast. The variety of stana rogas and their causes are the identical as these of gati – i.e. nadi – sinus ulcer.

The reason why breast illnesses happen in those that have delivered kids and never in virgins

धमन्यः संवृतद्वाराः कन्यानां स्तनसंश्रिताः |
दोषाविसरणात्तासां [१] न भवन्ति स्तनामयाः ||१६||
तासामेव प्रजातानां गर्भिणीनां च ताः पुनः |
स्वभावादेव विवृता जायन्ते सम्भवन्त्यतः ||१७||

Within the virgins, the orifices of the breast are closed. Because of this, the doshas don’t unfold contained in the breasts. Therefore, the breast illnesses don’t happen within the virgins. These orifices are naturally open in girls who’ve delivered kids and likewise in those that are pregnant. Subsequently, these girls undergo from breast illnesses.

Stanya lakshana: Breast milk and its options

रसप्रसादो मधुरः पक्वाहारनिमित्तजः |
कृत्स्नदेहात् स्तनौ प्राप्तः स्तन्यमित्यभिधीयते ||१८||
विशस्तेष्वपि गात्रेषु यथा शुक्रं न दृश्यते |
सर्वदेहाश्रितत्वाच्च शुक्रलक्षणमुच्यते ||१९||
तदेव चेष्टयुवतेर्दर्शनात् स्मरणादपि |
शब्दसंश्रवणात् स्पर्शात् संहर्षाच्च प्रवर्तते ||२०||
सुप्रसन्नं मनस्तत्र हर्षणे हेतुरुच्यते |
आहाररसयोनित्वादेवं स्तन्यमपि स्त्रियाः ||२१||
तदेवापत्यसंस्पर्शाद्दर्शनात् स्मरणादपि |
ग्रहणाच्च शरीरस्य शुक्रवत् सम्प्रवर्तते ||२२||
स्नेहो निरन्तरस्तत्र प्रस्रवे हेतुरुच्यते |२३|

Stanya means breastmilk. It’s the essence of rasa dhatu. When the meals will get correctly digested, the essence is shaped within the type of rasa dhatu. This essence is nice and comes into the breast from the complete physique to type stanya. Being current in the complete physique is claimed to be the attribute function of sukra (semen). This sukra (semen) won’t be seen when the physique components are minimize (despite being current all by way of the physique). Stanya (breast milk) too is described as much like semen.

The semen flows out (ejaculates) because of the under talked about causes –

–        Sight of the beloved girl
–        Remembrance of desired girl
–        Listening to the voice of desired girl
–        Contact of the specified girl and
–        Love of the specified girl

For the joy in intercourse to be induced and for the movement of semen (ejaculation), a relaxed and nice thoughts is desired.

The breastmilk can also be related in properties due to being produced by the essence of meals. The breast milk flows out of the lady’s breasts similar to the semen, because of the under talked about causes –

–        By the contact of the kid,
–        By the sight of the kid,
–        By remembrance of the kid
–        By holding the kid

The principle reason for the movement of breastmilk is the uninterrupted love of the mom in the direction of the kid.

Dusta and Suddha Stanya: Vitiated and pure breast milk

तत् कषायं भवेद्वातात् क्षिप्तं च प्लवतेऽम्भसि ||२३||
पित्तादम्लं सकटुकं राज्योऽम्भसि च पीतिकाः |
कफाद्घनं पिच्छिलं च जले चाप्यवसीदति |
सर्वैर्दुष्टैः सर्वलिङ्गमभिघाताच्च दुष्यति ||२४||
यत् क्षीरमुदके क्षिप्तमेकीभवति पाण्डुरम् |
मधुरं चाविवर्णं च प्रसन्नं तद्विनिर्दिशेत् ||२५||

Sort of breast milk contamination Options
Vata Dushta Stanya – breast milk contaminated by vata Astringent in tasteFloats on water
Pitta Dushta Stanya – breast milk contaminated by pitta Bitter and barely pungent in tasteProduces yellowish traces when placed on water
Kapha Dushta Stanya – breast milk contaminated by kapha ThickSlimySinks in water
Tridosha Dushta Stanya – breastmilk contaminated by all of the three doshas orAbhighataja Stanya – breast milk contaminated by harm May have signs of all of the three doshas collectively

Options of regular breast milk –

–        That which mixes nicely with the water when put into it
–        White in colour
–        Candy in style
–        Not discolored
–        Clear in look

Stana Roga Karana: Causes for illnesses of breasts

सक्षीरौ वाऽप्यदुग्धौ वा प्राप्य दोषः स्तनौ स्त्रियाः |
रक्तं मांसं च सन्दूष्य स्तनरोगाय कल्पते ||२६||
पञ्चानामपि तेषां तु हित्वा शोणितविद्रधिम् |
लक्षणानि समानानि बाह्यविद्रधिलक्षणैः ||२७||

Ailments of the breasts are induced because of the localization of aggravated doshas within the breasts. These doshas get lodged within the breasts, immaterial of them having milk or not, vitiate the blood and muscle tissues and provides rise to the illnesses of the breasts.

The signs of all of the 5 sorts of breast illnesses are much like the signs of the bahya vidradhi – exterior abscesses of the identical names, except that produced by vitiated blood.

इति सुश्रुतसंहितायां निदानस्थाने विसर्पनाडीस्तनरोगनिदानं नाम दशमोऽध्यायः ||१०||
Thus ends the Tenth chapter by identify Visarpa-Nadi- sthanaroga Nidanam in Nidana sthana of Susruta Samhita.



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