import Consumer from "bitcoin-core";
import fs from "fs";
const consumer = new Consumer({
community: "regtest",
username: "alice",
password: "password",
host: "http://alice:password@localhost:18443",
const SENDER_ADDRESS = "bcrt1qq2yshcmzdlznnpxx258xswqlmqcxjs4dssfxt2";
async operate setTransactionFee() {
strive {
const success = await consumer.setTxFee(0.00001);
console.log("Transaction price price set to 21 sats/vB");
} catch (error) {
console.log("Error setting price price:", error);
async operate important() {
// await consumer.loadWallet("testwallet");
strive {
const deal with = await consumer.getNewAddress();
console.log("Handle:", deal with);
await consumer.generateToAddress(103, deal with);
const steadiness = await consumer.getBalance();
const txid1 = await consumer.sendToAddress(SENDER_ADDRESS, 100);
console.log("Despatched 100 BTC, TXID:", txid1);
// 6. Get uncooked transaction particulars
const txDetails = await consumer.getRawTransaction(txid1, true);
// 7. Assemble Uncooked Transaction
const rawTx = await consumer.createRawTransaction(
txid: txid1,
vout: 0,
bcrt1qq2yshcmzdlznnpxx258xswqlmqcxjs4dssfxt2: 100,
information: Buffer.from("We're all Satoshi!!", "utf8").toString("hex"),
// 8. Fund the uncooked transaction with required price price
const fundedTx = await consumer.fundRawTransaction(rawTx, { fee_rate: 21 });
console.log("Funded TX:", fundedTx);
// 9. Signal the transaction
const signedTx = await consumer.signRawTransactionWithWallet(fundedTx.hex);
console.log("Signed TX:", signedTx);
// 10. Broadcast the transaction
const finalTxid = await consumer.sendRawTransaction(signedTx.hex);
console.log("Closing Transaction ID:", finalTxid);
// 11. Write TXID to a file
fs.writeFileSync("../out.txt", finalTxid);
console.log("Transaction ID written to out.txt");
} catch (err) {
console.error("Error:", err);
strive {
} catch (e) {
console.log("Error:", e);
I’m attempting to run this transaction
however getting the next error
Handle: bcrt1q930lz38fuqaw83ujh8s050yyntaev2ll6xrzvu
Despatched 100 BTC, TXID: d6f19c05ec6f5022907b38c521ac387d8c3186f30ecef81d2bd1a40703d52eed
Error: RpcError: Inadequate funds
I’ve sufficient steadiness as u can see what am i doing improper right here?