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HomeHealthBalopacharaneeyam (Care of the brand new born child)

Balopacharaneeyam (Care of the brand new born child)

The first chapter of Uttara Sthanam of Ashtanga Hridayam is known as as Bālopacaraṇīyam adhyāyaṃ. This chapter offers with the reason of ‘care of the brand new born child’.

The matters lined on this chapter embrace –

Balopacharaneeyam (Care of the brand new born child)

Sutikatthana and Namakarana
Balopcara – care of the infant
Karna Vedhana – puncturing the ear-lobe
Stanyapasran – weaning
Ashtanga Sarpi
Sarasvata Ghrta
Vachadi Ghrta
Hemadi Yoga
Vacadi Ghrta

Pledge by the creator (s)

अथातो बालोपचरणीयमध्यायं व्याख्यास्याम: ।
इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षय: ।
After having supplied prayers to the God, henceforth we’re going to clarify the chapter pertaining to the reason of ‘care of the brand new born child’. Thus say (pledge) Atreya and different sages.

Jatakarma: Care of the new child

जातमात्रं विशोध्योल्बाद्बालं सैन्धवसर्पिषा ।
प्रसूतिक्लेशितं चानु बलातैलेन सेचयेत् ॥ १ ॥
अश्मनोर्वादनं चास्य कर्णमूले समाचरेत् ।
अथास्य दक्षिणे कर्णे मन्त्रमुच्चारयेदिमम् ॥ २ ॥
अङ्गादङ्गात्सम्भवसि हृदयादभिजायसे ।
आत्मा वै पुत्रनामासि सञ्जीव शरदां शतम् ॥ ३ ॥
शतायुः शतवर्षोऽसि दीर्घमायुरवाप्नुहि ।
नक्षत्राणि दिशो रात्रिरहश्च त्वाभिरक्षतु ॥ ४ ॥
The newborn instantly after its beginning, ought to be cleaned/ cleared of the Ulba (greasy matter on the pores and skin, vernix caseosa) utilizing rock salt and ghee. Subsequent, to alleviate the fatigue of beginning toddler ought to be anointed with Bala Taila (vide chapter 2 of Sarira Sthana) musical devices ought to be performed The sound ought to be produced by hitting two stones on the root of its ears; Then the next sacred hymn ought to be chanted into its proper ear; You have got been born from each organ of the physique. you’re reborn from the guts You’re myself within the type of a son; Might you reside for 100 autumns, might you reside lengthy for hundred years, might you attain lengthy life ,let the celebs, the quarters, nights and days shield you.

Jatakarma : Umbilical wire, bathing

स्वस्थीभूतस्य नाभिं च सूत्रेण चतुरङ्गुलात् ।
बद्ध्वोर्ध्वं वर्धयित्वा च ग्रीवायामवसञ्जयेत् ॥ ५ ॥
नाभिं च कुष्ठतैलेन सेचयेत्स्नापयेदनु ।
क्षीरिवृक्षकषायेण सर्वगन्धोदकेन वा ॥ ६ ॥
कोष्णेन तप्तरजततपनीयनिमज्जनैः ।
After the kid has change into snug (calm), the umbilical wire ought to be tied with a thread on the stage of 4 Angula (finger’s breath) above the umbilicus after which reduce (with a pointy knife) the thread ought to be fixed to the neck (with out inflicting harm). The umbilicus ought to be anointed with Kustha Taila. Subsequent, the kid ought to be given a shower both with the decoction of barks of bushes with milky sap or water boiled with all of the aromatic herbs; Such bathing being made in lukewarm water ready by immersing heated sheets of silver or gold (many instances into it).

Jatakarma: Leha Prashana

ततो दक्षिणतर्जन्या तालून्नम्यावगुण्ठयेत् ॥ ७ ॥
शिरसि स्नेहपिचुना प्राश्यं चास्य प्रयोजयेत् ।
हरेणुमात्रं मेधायुर्बलार्थमभिमन्त्रितम् ॥ ८ ॥
ऐन्द्रीब्राह्मीवचाशङ्खपुष्पीकल्कं घृतं मधु ।
चामीकरवचाब्राह्मीताप्यपथ्या रजीकृताः ॥ ९ ॥
लिह्यान्मधुघृतोपेता हेमधात्रीरजोऽथवा ।
Subsequent, with the index finger of the best hand, the doctor ought to elevate the palate (of the infant) and place a sheet/ band of material soaked in oil over its head; then the infant ought to be fed with a Prasya (confection) to confer intelligence, lengthy life and good energy within the dose of 1 harenu (pea dimension) in amount, fortified with scared hymns, aindrī – Citrullus colocynthis, brāhmī – Bacopa monnieri, vacā – Acorus calamus śaṅkhapuṣpī – Convolvulus pluricaulis. The confection could also be ready from the paste of above herbs and added with ghee and honey, or with powder (ash) of cāmīkara – gold, vacā – Acorus calamus, brāhmī – Bacopa monnieri, tāpya – Copper / iron pyrite pathyā – Terminalia chebula. The toddler is made to lick, with honey and ghee or with gold and Emblica officinalis powder (ash) could also be given (with ghee and honey).

Jatakarma: Vamana

गर्भाम्भः सैन्धववता सर्पिषा वामयेत्ततः ॥ १० ॥
प्राजापत्येन विधिना जातकर्माणि कारयेत् ।
The newborn is made to vomit the uterine Fluid / amniotic fluid through the use of ghee combined with rock salt. Then the Jatakarma (spiritual ceremony involved technique described in texts of Dharmasatra) ought to be achieved following the prajapathi vidhi.


सिराणां हृदयस्थानां विवृतत्वात्प्रसूतितः ॥ ११ ॥
तृतीयेऽह्नि चतुर्थे वा स्त्रीणां स्तन्यं प्रवर्तते ।
The Siras (veins and different channels) situated within the coronary heart of the mom get dilated after the supply of the kid so the girl begins to provide breastmilk on the third day or the fourth.

Meals for toddler: First day

प्रथमे दिवसे तस्मात्त्रिकालं मधुसर्पिषी ॥ १२ ॥
अनन्तामिश्रिते मन्त्रपाविते प्राशयेच्छिशुम् ।
Therefore on the primary day the infant ought to be made to lick gold combined with honey and ghee, fortified with sacred hymns, all of the 3 times of the day.

Meals for toddler: First few days

लक्ष्मणासिद्धं तृतीये च घृतं ततः ॥ १३ ॥
प्राङ्निषिद्धस्तनस्यास्य तत्पाणितलसम्मितम् ।
स्तन्यानुपानं द्वौ कालौ नवनीतं प्रयोजयेत् ॥ १४ ॥
On the second and third days, the infant ought to be given ghee ready with Ipomoea sepiaria (all of the 3 times); afterwards (from the fourth day) the infant which was hither to prevented from sucking the breast, one Panitala (palmful) in amount of contemporary butter ought to be made to lick adopted by ingesting of breast- milk two instances of the day.


मातुरेव पिबेत्स्तन्यं तद्ध्यलं देहवृद्धये ।
स्तन्यधात्र्यावुभे कार्ये तदसम्पदि वत्सले ॥ १५ ॥
अव्यङ्गे ब्रह्मचारिण्यौ वर्णप्रकृतितः समे ।
नीरुजे मध्यवयसौ जीवद्वत्से न लोलुपे ॥ १६ ॥
हिताहारविहारेण यत्नादुपचरेच्च ते ।
The mom solely ought to feed the infant together with her milk; that itself is enough for the event of the physique. Within the absence of breastmilk (of the mom) two Dhatri (ladies who can feed the infant with their breastmilk) who’re affectionate not crippled / deformed, observing celibacy (avoiding sexual activity) belonging to the identical caste and structure (as of the mom), freed from ailments; of center age, having dwelling youngsters and never grasping, ought to be adhering to wholesome meals ought to feed the toddler with all of the care.

Motive for lower of enhance of lactation

शुक्क्रोधलङ्घनायासाः स्तन्यनाशस्य हेतवः ॥ १७ ॥
स्तन्यस्य सीधुवर्ज्यानि मद्यान्यानूपजा रसाः ।
क्षीरं क्षीरिण्य ओषध्यः शोकादेश्च विपर्ययः ॥ १८ ॥
Grief, anger,fasting and exertion are the causes for lack of breastmilk, wines, besides sidhu (fermented liquor ready from sugarcane juice) aside from juice of meat of animals of marshy lands, cow milk and crops which have milky sap and qualities reverse of grief and so forth. (In different phrases, happiness, love, diet and relaxation) are the explanation for enhance of breastmilk.

Unhealthy breastmilk

विरुद्धाहारभुक्तायाः क्षुधिताया विचेतसः ।
प्रदुष्टधातोर्गर्भिण्याः स्तन्यं रोगकरं शिशोः ॥ १९ ॥
Breastmilk of those that bask in incompatible meals, who’re hungry (as a consequence of both fasting or hunger), unconscious or not having conscience, having vitiation of the tissues (affected by ailments) and who’re pregnant , produces ailments in youngsters.

Substitute for breastmilk

स्तन्याभावे पयश्छागं गव्यं वा तद्गुणं पिबेत् ।
ह्रस्वेन पञ्चमूलेन स्थिराभ्यां वा सितायुतम् ॥ २० ॥
In case of absence of breastmilk, the kid ought to be given the milk of a goat or a cow, possessing comparable qualities, boiled with herbs of hrsva pancamula -Shalaparni – Desmodium gangeticum Prishniparni – Uraria picta Brihati – Solanum indicum Kantakari – Solanum xanthocarpum Gokshura – Tribulus terrestris or with the 2 sthira (saliparni – Desmodium gangeticum and Prisniparni -Uraria picta) combined with sugar.

Ritual for sixth evening

षष्ठीं निशां विशेषेण कृतरक्षाबलिक्रियाः ।
जागृयुर्बान्धवास्तस्य दधतः परमां मुदम् ॥ २१ ॥
On the sixth evening, protecting rites and providing of oblation (to guard the kid from evil spirits) ought to be carried out particularly and the kinfolk (of the kid) ought to preserve awake that evening,holding (the kid) in a nice/ blissful temper.

Sutikatthana and Namakarana

दशमे दिवसे पूर्णे विधिभिः स्वकुलोचितैः ।
कारयेत्सूतिकोत्थानं नाम बालस्य चार्चितम् ॥ २२ ॥ बिभ्रतोऽङ्गैर्मनोह्वालरोचनागुरुचन्दनम् ।
नक्षत्रदेवतायुक्तं बान्धवं वा समाक्षरम् ॥ २३ ॥
On completion of the tenth day, sutikotthana ceremony ought to be carried out in accordance with the customs of the household; anointing the infant withRealgar,
āla – Orpiment, rocana – Cow bezoar, aguru – Aquilaria agallocha candanam – and Santalum album. Give the infant a reputation associated to the Gods, the celebs, or of kinfolk and having even variety of letters.

Lifespan evaluation

ततः प्रकृतिभेदोक्तरूपैरायुःपरीक्षणम् ।
प्रागुदक्शिरसः कुर्याद्बालस्य ज्ञानवान् भिषक् ॥ २४ ॥
Then the clever doctor ought to carry out the examination of the physique (of child) commencing with the top for deciding its lifespan based mostly on such options (of lengthy life) described earlier within the prakrti Bhediya (chapter 5 of Sarirasthana).

Balopcara: Care of the infant

शुचिधौतोपधानानि निर्वलीनि मृदूनि च ।
शय्यास्तरणवासांसि रक्षोघ्नैर्धूपितानि च ॥ २५ ॥
काको विशस्तः शस्तश्च धूपने त्रिवृतान्वितः ।
The beds, mattress sheets, and protecting garments of the infant pillow ought to be made of unpolluted fabric (white fabric), washed effectively having no folds (or wrinkles) and comfortable and fumigated with supplies (herbs and so forth.) which keep at bay evil spirits A crow killed (for the aim) and smeared with Operculina turpethum (combination) of any three fat – oil, ghee and muscle fats) is good for fumigation.

Balopchara: Care of the infant: Amulets and so forth.

जीवत्खड्गादिशृङ्गोत्थान् सदा बालः शुभान् मणीन् ॥ २६ ॥
धारयेदौषधीः श्रेष्ठाः ब्राह्म्यैन्द्रीजीवकादिकाः ।
हस्ताभ्यां ग्रीवया मूर्ध्ना विशेषात्सततं वचाम् ॥ २७ ॥ आयुर्मेधास्मृतिस्वास्थ्यकरीं रक्षोऽभिरक्षिणीम् ।
The newborn ought to at all times be adorned with auspicious mani (amulets), ready from the horn of Rhinoceros and different (animals) which reside, put on potent herbs akin to brāhmī – Bacopa monnieri, aindrī – Citrullus colocynthis,
jīvaka -Malaxis acuminata and so forth. On the palms, neck and head particularly Acorus calamus ought to be worn consistently; these bestow lengthy life, intelligence, reminiscence and well being, protects from the evils.

Karna Vedhana: Puncturing the ear-lobe

षट्सप्ताष्टममासेषु नीरुजस्य शुभेऽहनि ॥ २८ ॥
कर्णौ हिमागमे विध्येद्धात्र्यङ्कस्थस्य सान्त्वयन् ।
प्राग्दक्षिणं कुमारस्य भिषग्वामं तु योषितः ॥ २९ ॥
दक्षिणेन दधत्सूचीं पालीमन्येन पाणिना ।
मध्यतः कर्णपीठस्य किञ्चिद्गण्डाश्रयं प्रति ॥ ३० ॥
जरायुमात्रप्रच्छन्ने रविरश्म्यवभासिते ।
घृतस्य निश्चलं सम्यगलक्तकरसाङ्किते ॥ ३१ ॥
विध्येद्दैवकृते च्छिद्रे सकृदेवर्जु लाघवात् ।
नोर्ध्वं न पार्श्वतो नाधः सिरास्तत्र हि संश्रिताः ॥ ३२ ॥
कालिकामर्मरीरक्तास्तद्व्यधाद्रागरुग्ज्वराः ।
सशोफदाहसंरम्भमन्यास्तम्भापतानकाः ॥ ३३ ॥
तेषां यथामयं कुर्याद्विभज्याशु चिकित्सितम् ।
स्थाने व्यधान्न रुधिरं न रुग्रागादिसम्भवः ॥ ३४ ॥
Through the sixth, seventh or eighth month, on an auspicious day, the ears of the wholesome child ought to be punched, throughout winter, holding the infant within the lap of the Dhatri (nursing mom) and cajoling it. The best ear ought to be punctured first, if the infant is a male and the left ear if she is feminine. The doctor ought to maintain the needle together with his proper hand and the earlobe with the opposite hand (left), the location of the puncture ought to be within the centre of the lobe barely in direction of the cheeks, it ought to be smeared with skinny layer identical to Jarayu (foetal protecting) with the juice of Laksa (Laccifer lacca) which then shines just like the solar rays, and on which a lump of stable ghee stays regular, ought to be marked out and puncturing ought to be achieved at (close to) the orifice created by God, solely as soon as, straight and frivolously; neither excessive up, nor to the aspect nor too low, as a result of siras (veins) known as Kalika, Marmari, and Rakta are located there solely (that are to be averted) and by reducing them redness, ache, fever related to delicate swelling, burning sensation (of the pinna) rigidity of the neck and tetanus shall be produced. In these, fast therapy ought to be achieved by contemplating the actual illness. Puncturing on the appropriate website neither results in bleeding nor look of ache, redness and so forth.

Karna Vedhana : Puncturing the ear-lobe

स्नेहाक्तं सूच्यनुस्यूतं सूत्रं चानु निधापयेत् ।
आमतैलेन सिञ्चेच्च बहलां तद्वदारया ॥ ३५ ॥
विध्येत्पालीं हितभुजः सञ्चार्याथ स्थवीयसी ।
वर्तिस्त्र्यहात्ततो रूढं वर्धयेत शनैः शनैः ॥ ३६ ॥
After puncturing the ear lobe, a thread soaked in fats (oil or ghee) ought to be put into the outlet with the assistance of the needle, (thread is handed into the attention of the needle after which needle pulled out after inflicting the puncture) and the location is bathed with uncooked (raw) oil, in the identical method. The thick earlobe ought to be punctured with the thick needle, after feeding the infant with good meals, after a lapse of three days, a much bigger/ thicker thread ought to be insertedinto the orifice and be widened slowly (in the end of time by inserting thicker supplies, ear ornaments and so forth.)

Breastmilk weaning

अथैनं जातदशनं क्रमेणापनयेत्स्तनात् ।
पूर्वोक्तं योजयेत्क्षीरमन्नं च लघु बृंहणम् ॥ ३७ ॥
After the eruptions of the tooth, the infant ought to be taken away from the breast (cease breast feeding) slowly (over lengthy intervals). She ought to then be fed with milk described earlier (in verse no 20) and anna (boiled rice or different boiled meals) which is definitely digested and stoutening.

Weight-reduction plan after 02 weaning

प्रियालमज्जमधुकमधुलाजसितोपलैः ।
अपस्तनस्य संयोज्यः प्रीणनो मोदकः शिशोः ॥ ३८ ॥
दीपनो बालबिल्वैलाशर्करालाजसक्तुभिः ।
सङ्ग्राही धातकीपुष्पशर्करालाजतर्पणैः ॥ ३९ ॥
Candy balls ready with fruit kernel of Buchanania lanzan, madhuka – Glycyrrhiza glabra, madhu – honey, lāja – parched paddy, sugar sweet ought to be given to the kid after weaning (withdrawal of breastmilk). It offers pleasure / contentment That ready with tender fruits of bilva – Aegle marmelos, elā – Elettaria cardamomum, sugar and powder of parched paddy, kindles digestion; nutritive drink ready with flower of Woodfordia fruticosa, sugar, and parched paddy, is water absorbent (causes constipation).

Administration of issues of weaning

रोगांश्चास्य जयेत्सौम्यैर्भेषजैरविषादकैः ।
अन्यत्रात्ययिकाद्व्याधेर्विरेकं सुतरां त्यजेत् ॥ ४० ॥
Its (of the infant) ailments ought to be cured / handled with herbs/ medicines that are delicate, not inflicting discomfort, besides in emergency ailments administration of purgatives ought to be strictly averted.

Defending a fearful child

त्रासयेन्नाविधेयं तं त्रस्तं गृह्णन्ति हि ग्रहाः ।
वस्त्रवातात्परस्पर्शात्पालयेल्लङ्घनाच्च तम् ॥ ४१ ॥
The newborn shouldn’t be frightened/threatened despite the fact that disobedient (irritable), as a result of evil spirits will seize (take possession) the frightened child. She ought to be protected against cloths (tough and thick coverings which trigger suffocation and so forth.), breeze, contact by others (than the mom) and fasting (lack of meals).

Brahmi Ghritham

ब्राह्मीसिद्धार्थकवचाशारिवाकुष्ठसैन्धवैः ।
सकणैः साधितं पीतं वाङ्मेधास्मृतिकृद्घृतम् ॥ ४२ ॥
आयुष्यं पाप्मरक्षोघ्नं भूतोन्मादनिबर्हणम् ।
Medicated ghee ready with brāhmī – Bacopa monnieri, siddhārthaka – Brassica juncea, vacā – Acorus calamus, śārivā – Hemidesmus indicus, kuṣṭha – Saussurea lappa, – rock salt ,sakaṇaiḥ Piper longum and if consumed bestows good speech (voice), intelligence, reminiscence and lengthy life; protects from sins, and evil spirits, madness as a consequence of possession by evil spirits will get cured.

Ashtanga Sarpi

वचेन्दुलेखामण्डूकीशङ्खपुष्पीशतावरीः ॥ ४३ ॥
ब्रह्मसोमामृताब्राह्मीः कल्कीकृत्य पलांशिकाः ।
अष्टाङ्गं विपचेत्सर्पिः प्रस्थं क्षीरचतुर्गुणम् ॥ ४४ ॥
तत्पीतं धन्यमायुष्यं वाङ्मेधास्मृतिबुद्धिकृत् ।
Medicated ghee is ready with the paste of 1 pala (48 grams) every of vaca – Acorus calamus, indulekhā – Psoralea corylifolia, maṇḍūkī – Centella asiatica, śaṅkhapuṣpī – Convolvulus pluricaulis, śatāvarīḥ – Asparagus racemosus, brahmasomā – Butea monosperma / Ephedra vulgaris,amṛtā – Tinospora cordifolia, brāhmīḥ – and Bacopa Monnieri one Prastha (768 grams) of ghee and 4 elements (3.072 litre) of milk This Asthanga Ghrta, if consumed is benevolent (wards of evil), bestows lengthy life, good speech (voice), intelligence, reminiscence and good thoughts.

Sarasvata Ghrita

अजाक्षीराभयाव्योषपाठोग्राशिग्रुसैन्धवैः ॥ ४५ ॥
सिद्धं सारस्वतं सर्पिर्वाङ्मेधास्मृतिवह्निकृत् ।
Medicated ghee ready with goat’s milk, abhayā – Terminalia chebula, Vyosa (Black pepper – Piper nigrum, Lengthy pepper fruit – Piper longum and Ginger – Zingiber officinale), pāṭhā – Cissampelos pareira, ugrā – Acorus calamus, śigru – Moringa oleífera saindhavaiḥ – and rock salt often called Sarasvata Sarpis (ghrta) confers good speech (voice), intelligence, reminiscence and digestive capability.

Vachadi Ghrita

वचामृताशठीपथ्याशङ्खिनीवेल्लनागरैः ॥ ४६ ॥
अपामार्गेण च घृतं साधितं पूर्ववद्गुणैः ।
Medicated ghee ready with vacā – Acorus calamus, amṛtā – Tinospora cordifolia, śaṭhī – Hedychium spicatum, pathyā – Terminalia chebula, śaṅkhinī – Canscora decussata, vella – Embelia ribes, nāgaraiḥ – Zingiber officinale apāmārgeṇa ca – and Achyranthes aspera is much like the sooner (in properties).

Hemadi Yoga

हेम श्वेतवचा कुष्ठमर्कपुष्पी सकाञ्चना ॥ ४७ ॥
हेम मत्स्याक्षकः शङ्खः कैडर्यः कनकं वचा ।
चत्वार एते पादोक्ताः प्राशा मधुघृतप्लुताः ॥ ४८ ॥
वर्षं लीढा वपुर्मेधाबलवर्णकराः शुभाः ।
Gold, white number of Acorus calamus and Saussurea lappa; arkapuṣpī – Holostemma ada-kodien and Bezoar; gold, matsyākṣakaḥ – Bacopa Monnieri śaṅkhaḥ – and Convolvulus pluricaulis, kaiḍaryaḥ – Murraya koenigii, kanakaṃ – Datura metel vacā – and Acorus calamus catvāra – these 4 teams of herbs talked about in every quarter verse, consumed combined with honey and ghee, licked for a interval of 1 12 months bestow good physique development, intelligence, energy, color (and complexion) and goodness.

Vachadi Ghrita

वचायष्ट्याह्वसिन्धूत्थपथ्यानागरदीप्यकैः ॥ ४९ ॥
शुध्यते वाग्घविर्लीढैः सकुष्ठकणजीरकैः ॥ ४९ऊअब् ॥
Medicated ghee ready with vacā – Acorus calamus, yaṣṭyāhva – Glycyrrhiza glabra, sindhūttha – rock salt, pathyā – Terminalia chebula nāgara – Zingiber officinale, dīpyakaiḥ – Trachyspermum ammi kuṣṭha – Saussurea lappa, kaṇa – Piper longum ,jīrakaiḥ -Cuminum cyminum, licked (day by day) purifies the speech (voice).

इति श्री वैद्यपति सिंहगुप्तसूनु श्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां षष्ठे उत्तरस्थाने बालोपचरणीयो नाम प्रथमोऽध्याय: ॥ १ ॥
Thus, ends the chapter- Balopacaraniya the primary in Uttarasthna of Astanga Hrdaya Samhita composed by Srimad Vaghata, Son of sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.



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