Saturday, October 26, 2024
HomeHealthUnmada Pratishedham (Therapy of Madness)

Unmada Pratishedham (Therapy of Madness)

The sixth chapter of Uttara Sthanam of Ashtanga Hridayam is called as Unmada Pratisedha adhyāyaṃ. This chapter offers with the reason of ‘remedy of madness’.

The matters coated on this chapter embody –

Unmada Pratishedham (Therapy of Madness)
  • Unmada – bheda and Nirvacana – Varieties and definition
  • Nidana and Samprapti – causes and pathogenesis
  • Vatonmada
  • Pittonmada
  • Kaphonmada
  • Sannipatonmada
  • Citta Ghataja unmada – madness as a consequence of psychological shock
  • Visaja Unmada
  • Cikitsa – remedy
  • Brahmi Ghrta
  • Kalyanaka Ghrta
  • Mahakalyanaka Ghrta
  • Maha Paisacika Ghrta
  • Brahmyadi Gutika
  • Avapida and different interventions
  • Dhupadi Upakrama
  • Sira Vedha
  • Anya Cikitsa – different therapies

Pledge by the writer (s)

अथात उन्मादप्रतिषेधं व्याख्यास्याम: ।
इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षय: ।
After having provided prayers to the God, henceforth we’re going to clarify the chapter pertaining to the reason of ‘remedy of the madness’.
iti ha smāhu: ātreyādayo maharṣaya: – Thus say (pledge) Atreya and different sages.

Unmada: Bheda and Nirvachana: Varieties and definition

उन्मादाः षट् पृथग्दोषनिचयाधिविषोद्भवाः ।
उन्मादो नाम मनसो दोषैरुन्मार्गगैर्मदः ॥ १ ॥
Unmada (madness) is of six sorts, by every Dosha individually, by the mix of all of them, by sins and by poison, Unmada is mada (toxicity, Dysfunction) of the manas (thoughts) produce by the Doshas (Vata and many others.) movin

Nidana and Samprapti: Causes and pathogenesis

शारीरमानसैर्दुष्टैरहितादन्नपानतः ।
विकृतासात्म्यसमलाद्विषमादुपयोगतः ॥ २ ॥
विषण्णस्याल्पसत्त्वस्य व्याधिवेगसमुद्गमात् ।
क्षीणस्य चेष्टावैषम्यात्पूज्यपूजाव्यतिक्रमात् ॥ ३ ॥
आधिभिर्चित्तविभ्रंशाद्विषेणोपविषेण च ।
एभिर्हि हीनसत्त्वस्य हृदि दोषाः प्रदूषिताः ॥ ४ ॥
धियो विधाय कालुष्यं हृत्वा मार्गान् मनोवहान् ।
उन्मादं कुर्वते तेन धीविज्ञानस्मृतिभ्रमात् ॥ ५ ॥
देहो दुःखसुखभ्रष्टो भ्रष्टसारथिवद्रथः ।
The physique and thoughts being contaminated by indulgence in unsuitable (unhealthy) meals and drinks, meals that are spoilt, unaccustomed, containing dust (contaminated) and utilizing (meals and drinks) in improper method; those that are dejected (as a consequence of fear, grief and many others.), who’re of weak thoughts, by the impact of sudden improve of depth of ailments, emaciated individuals indulging in actions in improper methods, committing errors within the process of worship of the worshipful, by committing sinful acts, lack of steadiness of thoughts, by the impact of sturdy poisons or weak poisons; by these causes the Doshas getting elevated within the coronary heart (thoughts) in individuals feeble thoughts, produce vitiation of the thoughts, and destroying (invading) the Manovaha srotas (channels of the thoughts) trigger unmada (madness). Dhi (Discriminating/deciding capability) Vijnana (capability of particular information to know the science, arts and many others.) and Smrti (energy of remembrance of earlier happenings) having turn into irregular (misplaced or impaired) make the physique lose the sensation of happiness and unhappiness and like a chariot devoid of a charioteer, the particular person roams and does actions with none considering.


भ्रमत्यचिन्तितारम्भस्तत्र वातात्कृशाङ्गता ॥ ६ ॥ अस्थाने रोदनाक्रोशहसितस्मितनर्तनम् ।
गीतवादित्रवागङ्गविक्षेपास्फोटनानि च ॥ ७ ॥
असाम्ना वेणुवीणादिशब्दानुकरणं मुहुः ।
आस्यात्फेनागमोऽजस्रमटनं बहुभाषिता ॥ ८ ॥ अलङ्कारोऽनलङ्कारैरयानैर्गमनोद्यमः ।
गृद्धिरभ्यवहार्येषु तल्लाभे चावमानता ॥ ९ ॥ उत्पिण्डितारुणाक्षित्वं जीर्णे चान्ने गदोद्भवः ।
In Unmada (madness) produced by (elevated) Vata, the physique is emaciated in uncommon locations the particular person weeps, turns into offended, laughs, smiles, dances, sings, performs musical notes, speaks, does actions of the completely different a part of the physique, slaps (claps, stretches), and makes loud sound of the flute, veena (lute) and many others. mimics; typically froth escapes from the mouth, roams about consistently, speaks an excessive amount of, decorates himself with non adorning issues, makes an attempt to journey on issues which aren’t automobiles; needs meals however abuses them after acquiring them, the eyes protruding and purple in color and the illness (signs) showing after the meals is digested.


पित्तात्सन्तर्जनं क्रोधो मुष्टिलोष्टाद्यभिद्रवः ॥ १० ॥
शीतच्छायोदकाकाङ्क्षा नग्नत्वं पीतवर्णता ।
असत्यज्वलनज्वालातारकादीपदर्शनम् ॥ ११ ॥
In unmada (madness) brought on by pitta, the affected person threatens/abuses others, turns into offended, assaults others with the fist, stones and many others. Wishes cool shade and funky water, stays bare, has yellow color (of the pores and skin and many others.), sees hearth, flames, stars and lamp which aren’t really current.


कफादरोचकश्छर्दिरल्पेहाहारवाक्यता ।
स्त्रीकामता रहःप्रीतिर्लालासिङ्घाणकस्रुतिः ॥ १२ ॥ बैभत्स्यं शौचविद्वेषो निद्रा श्वयथुरानने ।
उन्मादो बलवान् रात्रौ भुक्तमात्रे च जायते ॥ १३ ॥
In unmada (madness) brought on by kapha, the particular person has lack of urge for food, vomiting, little or no of needs, meals and speak; need for the ladies love in direction of sexual activity saliva and nasal secretions flowing, terrifying actions, hatred to cleanliness, sleep, swelling of the face, signs sturdy throughout nights additionally signs happen and shortly after taking meals.


सर्वायतनसंस्थानसन्निपाते तदात्मकम् ।
उन्मादं दारुणं विद्यात्तं भिषक् परिवर्जयेत् ॥ १४ ॥

In that brought on by all of the Doshas (growing collectively) the signs of all of the Doshas seem concurrently. This madness is troublesome to treatment, therefore the doctor ought to reject it.

Chitta Ghataja unmada: Madness as a consequence of psychological shock

धनकान्तादिनाशेन दुःसहेनाभिषङ्गवान् ।
पाण्डुर्दीनो मुहुर्मुह्यन् हाहेति परिदेवते ॥ १५ ॥ रोदित्यकस्मान्म्रियते तद्गुणान् बहु मन्यते ।
शोकक्लिष्टमना ध्यायञ्जागरूको विचेष्टते ॥ १६ ॥
Lack of cash, spouse and many others. which is insufferable which persists for very long time results in madness. The particular person turns into pale, timid, faints typically, weeps making sounds such ha, ha and many others. (alas, that’s misplaced, alas that’s gone and many others.). weeps all of the sudden with none (different) motive; dies (loses consciousness), praises the qualities of the issues, with the thoughts affected by grief, he worries a lot, retains awake with out sleep and does uncommon acts.

Vishaja Unmada

विषेण श्याववदनो नष्टच्छायाबलेन्द्रियः ।
वेगान्तरेऽपि सम्भ्रान्तो रक्ताक्षस्तं विवर्जयेत् ॥ १७ ॥
In madness brought on by poisons (administered by others or consumed by himself) the face is blue, there may be lack of complexion, power and sensory actions, has unstable thoughts even in the course of the intervals (of various levels of poisoning) and the eyes are purple; such a affected person needs to be rejected.

Chikitsa: Therapy

अथानिलज उन्मादे स्नेहपानं प्रयोजयेत् ।
पूर्वमावृतमार्गे तु सस्नेहं मृदु शोधनम् ॥ १८ ॥ कफपित्तभवेऽप्यादौ वमनं सविरेचनम् ।
स्निग्धस्विन्नस्य वस्तिं च शिरसः सविरेचनम् ॥ १९ ॥
तथाऽस्य शुद्धदेहस्य प्रसादं लभते मनः ।
In madness brought on by Vata, gentle ingesting of oil (inner oleatio remedy) needs to be administered first; if there may be obstruction of the channels, gentle purgatives blended with fat needs to be given. In that brought on by Kapha and Pitta, initially emesis and purgation needs to be achieved, and enema therapies needs to be administered, after doing oleation and sudation, so additionally purgative remedy for the top (Nasya/Nasal remedy). After the physique turns into purified by these therapies, the thoughts turns into tranquil (calm).

इत्थमप्यनुवृत्तौ तु तीक्ष्णं नावनमञ्जनम् ॥ २० ॥ हर्षणाश्वासनोत्त्रासभयताडनतर्जनम् ।
अभ्यङ्गोद्वर्तनालेपधूपान् पानं च सर्पिषः ॥ २१ ॥ युञ्ज्यात्तानि हि शुद्धस्य नयन्ति प्रकृतिं मनः ।

Even after this remedy, if the illness persists sturdy nasal drops, eye salves needs to be made use of; making him glad, assuring him, threatening, inflicting concern, beating and terrorising him needs to be resorted to, oil therapeutic massage, dry therapeutic massage, anointing with paste, fumigation, ingesting of medicated ghee needs to be administered; purified by these the thoughts turns into regular.

Hingvadi Ghritham

हिङ्गुसौवर्चलव्योषैर्द्विपलांशैर्घृताढकम् ॥ २२ ॥
सिद्धं समूत्रमुन्मादभूतापस्मारनुत्परम् ।
Medicated ghee ready with two Pala (96 grams) every of:
hiṅgu – Ferula asafoetida,
sauvarcala – black salt,
vyoṣai – vyosa (Black pepper – Piper nigrum, lengthy pepper fruit – Piper longum and Ginger – Zingiber officinale), two Adhak (6.144 Kg) of ghee, with addition of cow urine is finest to treatment madness, seizure by evil spirits and epilepsy.

Brahmi Ghrita

द्वौ प्रस्थौ स्वरसाद्ब्राह्म्या घृतप्रस्थं च साधितम् ॥ २३ ॥
व्योषश्यामात्रिवृद्दन्तीशङ्खपुष्पीनृपद्रुमैः ।
ससप्तलाकृमिहरैः कल्कितैरक्षसम्मितैः ॥ २४ ॥ पलवृद्ध्या प्रयुञ्जीत परं मात्रा चतुःपलम् ।
उन्मादकुष्ठापस्मारहरं वन्ध्यासुतप्रदम् ॥ २५ ॥
वाक्स्वरस्मृतिमेधाकृद्धन्यं ब्राह्मीघृतं स्मृतम् ।
Medicated ghee ready with two prastha (1.536 litres) of recent juice of Bacopa monnieri, one prastha (768 grams) of ghee and paste of 1 Aksa (12 grams) every of:
vyoṣa – Vyosa (Black pepper – Piper nigrum, Lengthy pepper fruit – Piper longum and Ginger – Zingiber officinale),
śyāmā – Ipomoea petaloides,
trivṛt – Operculina turpethum,
dantī – Baliospermum montanum,
śaṅkhapuṣpī – Convolvulus pluricaulis,
nṛpadrumaiḥ – Cassia fistula,
saptalā – Euphorbia neriifolia
kṛmiharaiḥ – Embelia ribes
elevated by one pala every succeeding day needs to be administered until the utmost dose of 4 pala (192 grams) is reached. It cures madness, pores and skin illness and epilepsy, bestows sons to the barren ladies produces good speech, voice, reminiscence, this ghrta known as Brahmi Ghrta is auspicious.

Kalyanaka Ghrita

वराविशालाभद्रैलादेवदार्वेलवालुकैः ॥ २६ ॥
द्विशारिवाद्विरजनीद्विस्थिराफलिनीनतैः ।
बृहतीकुष्ठमञ्जिष्ठानागकेसरदाडिमैः ॥ २७ ॥
वेल्लतालीशपत्रैलामालतीमुकुलोत्पलैः ।
सदन्तीपद्मकहिमैः कर्षांशैः सर्पिषः पचेत् ॥ २८ ॥
प्रस्थं भूतग्रहोन्मादकासापस्मारपाप्मसु ।
पाण्डुकण्डूविषे शोषे मोहे मेहे गरे ज्वरे ॥ २९ ॥
अरेतस्यप्रजसि वा दैवोपहतचेतसि ।
अमेधसि स्खलद्वाचि स्मृतिकामेऽल्पपावके ॥ ३० ॥
बल्यं मङ्गल्यमायुष्यं कान्तिसौभाग्यपुष्टिदम् ।
कल्याणकमिदं सर्पिः श्रेष्ठं पुंसवनेषु च ॥ ३१ ॥
Medicated ghee is ready with the decoction and paste of 1 Karsa (12 grams) every of:
varā – Vara (Haritaki – Terminalia chebula, Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica, Amalaki – Emblica officinalis),
viśālā – Alstonia scholaris,
bhadrailā – Amomum subulatum,
devadārū – Cedrus deodara,
elavālukaiḥ – Prunus cerasus,
dvi śārivā – the 2 Sariva (Shveta Sariva – white selection – Hemidesmus indicus and Krishna Sariva – Cryptolepis buchanani / Ichnocarpus frutescens),
dvi rajanī – the Two Rajani (Haridra – Curcuma longa & Daruharidra – Berberis aristata),
dvisthirā – the 2 Sthira (Shalaparni – Desmodium gangeticum & Prishnaparni – Uraria picta),
phalinī – Gentiana kurroo,
nataiḥ – Cyperus rotundus,
bṛhatī – Solanum indicum,
kuṣṭha – Saussurea lappa,
mañjiṣṭhā – Rubia cordifolia,
nāgakesara – Mesua ferrea,
dāḍimaiḥ – Punica granatum,
vella – Embelia ribes,
tālīśa patra – Abies webbiana,
elā – Elettaria cardamomum,
mālatī mukula – Jasminum grandiflorum,
utpalaiḥ – Nymphaea alba,
sadantī – Baliospermum montanum,
padmaka – Prunus cerasoides
himaiḥ – Coriandrum sativum
and one Prastha (768 grams) of ghee, it’s useful in avoiding evil spirits, curing madness, cough, epilepsy, ailments brought on by sin, anaemia, itching, poison, emaciation, lack of consciousness, diabetes, synthetic poisoning, fever, for individuals who haven’t any semen, no offspring; in whom the thoughts is affected by Gods (providential, causes unknown) for many who haven’t any intelligence, whose voice is slipping, who need good reminiscence, who’ve poor digestive energy; it bestows power, auspiciousness, lengthy life (longevity), complexion, fortune and nourishment. This Kalyanaka Ghrta is finest Punasavana (recipes to be get male progeny)

Maha Kalyanaka Ghrita

एभ्यो द्विशारिवादीनि जले पक्त्वैकविंशतिम् ।
रसे तस्मिन् पचेत्सर्पिर्गृष्टिक्षीरचतुर्गुणम् ॥ ३२ ॥
वीराद्विमेदाकाकोलीकपिकच्छूविषाणिभिः ।
शूर्पपर्णीयुतैरेतन् महाकल्याणकं परम् ॥ ३३ ॥
बृंहणं सन्निपातघ्नं पूर्वस्मादधिकं गुणैः ।
Out of the above herbs, the twenty one (herbs) commencing with the 2 sariva (Shveta Sariva – white selection – Hemidesmus indicus and Krishna Sariva – Cryptolepis buchanani / Ichnocarpus frutescens) are boiled in water, and decoction ready. Ghee is cooked with. That decoction with the addition of 4 components (of the amount of ghee) of Gristi kseera ( cow milk inside seven days of calving), and paste of Asparagus racemosus, the 2 meda (Meda – Polygonatum cirrhifolium & Mahameda – Polygonatum verticillatum),
kākolī – Fritillaria roylei,
kapikacchū – Mucuna pruriens,
viṣāṇibhiḥ – Gymnema sylvestre
śūrpaparṇīyutai: – and the 2 surpaparni (Mudgaparni – Phaseolus trilobus & Mashaparni – Teramnus labialis);
This Mahakalyanaka Ghrta is finest to make the physique stout, mitigates sannipata, and higher in qualities than the sooner one.

Maha Paisachika Ghrita

जटिला पूतना केशी चारटी मर्कटी वचा ॥ ३४ ॥ त्रायमाणा जया वीरा चोरकः कटुरोहिणी ।
वयःस्था शूकरी छत्त्रा सातिच्छत्रा पलङ्कषा ॥ ३५ ॥
महापुरुषदन्ता च कायस्था नाकुलीद्वयम् ।
कटम्भरा वृश्चिकाली शालिपर्णी च तैर्घृतम् ॥ ३६ ॥
सिद्धं चातुर्थिकोन्मादग्रहापस्मारनाशनम् ।
महापैशाचकं नाम घृतमेतद्यथाऽमृतम् ॥ ३७ ॥ बुद्धिमेधास्मृतिकरं बालानां चाङ्गवर्धनम् ।
Medicated ghee ready with (decoction and paste) of:
jaṭilā – Nardostachys jatamamsi,
pūtanā – Terminalia chebula,
keśī – Selinum tennuirolium,
cāraṭī – Hybanthus enneaspermus,
markaṭī – Mucuna pruriens,
vacā – Acorus calamus,
trāyamāṇā – Gentiana kurroo,
jayā – Premna corymbosa,
vīrā – Fritillaria roylei,
corakaḥ – Angelica glauca,
kaṭurohiṇī – Picrorhiza kurroa,
vayaḥsthā – Emblica officinalis,
śūkarī – Argyreia speciosa,
chattrā – Coriandrum sativum,
aticchatrā – Anethum sowa,
palaṅkaṣā – Laccifer lacca,
mahāpuruṣadantā ca – Asparagus racemosus,
kāyasthā – Roscoea purpurea,
nākulīdvayam – the 2 Nakuli (Sarpakshi – Ophiorrhiza mungos & Sarpasugandha – Rauwolfia serpentine),
kaṭambharā – Celastrus paniculata,
vṛścikālī – Heliotropium indicum
śāliparṇī ca – and Desmodium gangeticum
tai: ghṛtam – and ghee.
This, often called Mahapaisacaka Ghrta cures quartan fever, madness, evil spirits and epilepsy; it is rather like nector, bestows intelligence, reminiscence and development of the physique in kids.

Brahmyadi Gutika

ब्राह्मीमैन्द्रीं विडङ्गानि व्योषं हिङ्गु जटां मुराम् ॥ ३८ ॥
रास्नां विषघ्नां लशुनं विशल्यां सुरसां वचाम् ।
ज्योतिष्मतीं नागविन्नामनन्तां सहरीतकीम् ॥ ३९ ॥ काङ्क्षीं च हस्तिमूत्रेण पिष्ट्वा छायाविशोषीता ।
वर्तिर्नस्याञ्जनालेपधूपैरुन्मादसूदनी ॥ ४० ॥
brāhmīṃ – Bacopa monnieri,
aindrīṃ – Citrullus colocynthis,
viḍaṅgāni – Embelia ribes,
vyoṣaṃ – Vyosa (Black pepper – Piper nigrum, Lengthy pepper fruit – Piper longum and Ginger – Zingiber officinale),
hiṅgu – Ferula asafoetida,
jaṭāṃ – Selinum tennuirolium,
murām – Cyperus rotundus,
rāsnāṃ – Pluchea lanceolata,
viṣaghnāṃ – Aconitum heterophyllum,
laśunaṃ – Allium sativum,
viśalyāṃ – Gloriosa superba,
surasāṃ – Ocimum sanctum,
vacām – Acorus calamus,
jyotiṣmatīṃ – Celastrus paniculatus,
nāgavinnāṃ – Croton oblongifolius,
anantāṃ – Cynodon dactylon,
harītakīm – Terminalia chebula
Alum is macerated in elephant’s urine, made into tablets and dried in shade. Used as nasal drops, software into the attention, topical software and fumigation, it cures madness.

Avapida and different interventions

अवपीडाश्च विविधाः सर्षपाः स्नेहसंयुताः ।
कटुतैलेन चाभ्यङ्गो ध्मापयेच्चास्य तद्रजः ॥ ४१ ॥
सहिङ्गुस्तीक्ष्णधूमश्च सूत्रस्थानोदितो हितः ।
Avapida (nasal drops from paste of herbs) of various sorts, blended with oil of Sarsapa – Brassica juncea, Anointing the physique with Katu Taila (mustard oil) and insufflations of its powder (of Sarsapa – Brassica juncea) into the nostril, sturdy fumigation with herbs talked about in sutrasthana (chapter 21) blended with Ferula asafetida are all useful.

Dhupadi Upakrama

शृगालशल्यकोलूकजलौकावृषबस्तजैः ॥ ४२ ॥
मूत्रपित्तशकृद्रोमनखचर्मभिराचरेत् ।
धूपधूमाञ्जनाभ्यङ्गप्रदेहपरिषेचनम् ॥ ४३ ॥
Urine, bile, excreta, hairs, hoofs / nails and pores and skin of the jackal, Porcupine, owl, Jalauka (a type of Sparrow), bull and goat ought to made use of for fumigation, inhalation, collyrium, anointing, topical software and each.

Vata Shleshma Unmada Chikitsa

धूपयेत्सततं चैनं श्वगोमत्स्यैः सुपूतिभिः ।
वातश्लेष्मात्मके प्रायः पैत्तिके तु प्रशस्यते ॥ ४४ ॥
तिक्तकं जीवनीयं च सर्पिः स्नेहश्च मिश्रकः ।
शीतानि चान्नपानानि मधुराणि लघूनि च ॥ ४५ ॥
In madness brought on by Vata – Kapha, the affected person needs to be consistently expound to the fumes of foul smelling meat of canine, cow and fish usually in that brought on by Pitta, using Tiktaka Ghrata or Jivaniya Ghrta and Misraka Sneha, meals and drinks that are chilly, candy and simply digestible are useful.

Sira Vedha

विध्येत्सिरां यथोक्तां वा तृप्तं मेद्यामिषस्य वा ।
निवाते शाययेदेवं मुच्यते मतिविभ्रमात् ॥ ४६ ॥
Veins needs to be reduce (to let loose blood) as described after making the affected person happy with fatty meat, and made to lie in a spot devoid of breeze by this he turns into cured of psychological issues.

Anya Chikitsa: Different therapies

प्रक्षिप्यासलिले कूपे शोषयेद्वा बुभुक्षया ।
आश्वासयेत्सुहृत्तं वा वाक्यैर्धर्मार्थसंहितैः ॥ ४७ ॥
ब्रूयादिष्टविनाशं वा दर्शयेदद्भुतानि वा ।
बद्धं सर्षपतैलाक्तं न्यसेद्वोत्तानमातपे ॥ ४८ ॥
कपिकच्छ्वाथवा तप्तैर्लोहतैलजलैः स्पृशेत् ।
कशाभिस्ताडयित्वा वा बद्धं श्वभ्रे विनिःक्षिपेत् ॥ ४९ ॥
अथवा वीतशस्त्राश्मजने सन्तमसे गृहे ।
सर्पेणोद्धृतदंष्ट्रेण दान्तैः सिंहैर्गजैश्च तम् ॥ ५० ॥
त्रासयेच्छस्त्रहस्तैर्वा किरातारातितस्करैः ॥ ५०+ (१)अब् ॥
अथवा राजपुरुषा बहिर्नीत्वा सुसंयतम् ।
भापयेयुर्वधेनैनं तर्जयन्तो नृपाज्ञया ॥ ५१ ॥
देहदुःखभयेभ्यो हि परं प्राणभयं मतम् ।
तेन याति शमं तस्य सर्वतो विप्लुतं मनः ॥ ५२ ॥
सिद्धा क्रिया प्रयोज्येयं देशकालाद्यपेक्षया ।
The affected person needs to be put right into a effectively with out water, made to undergo from starvation, his mates ought to guarantee him (of getting cured) with ethical and spiritual speak, inform him the information of lack of the beloved (individuals, cash and many others.), present him great issues, physique be smeared with mustard oil, needs to be certain (with ropes) and positioned within the solar along with his face up, the physique needs to be touched with both Mucuna pruriens (which causes serve itching) or heated steel, oil or water; overwhelmed by lashesh, thrown right into a ravine after binding him, or impounded in a darkish room free from weapons, stones and males, be bitten by a snake eliminated of its fangs, threatened by animals just like the lion, or elephant, by individuals carrying weapons or by tribal folks, bandits or thieves; or kings attendants ought to carry him out, bind him and threaten and put in concern to kill him as if ordered by the king. The concern of dying
is extra highly effective than the concern of the troubles of the physique; therefore by the above strategies (of lack of life) all its abnormalities of his thoughts turn into relieved, these strategies of confirmed efficacy needs to be adopted as discovered acceptable to the place, tie and many others.

Anya Chikitsa: Different therapies

इष्टद्रव्यविनाशात्तु मनो यस्योपहन्यते ॥ ५३ ॥
तस्य तत्सदृशप्राप्तिसान्त्वाश्वासैः शमं नयेत् ।
कामशोकभयक्रोधहर्षेर्ष्यालोभसम्भवान् ॥ ५४ ॥
परस्परप्रतिद्वन्द्वैरेभिरेव शमं नयेत् ।
भूतानुबन्धमीक्षेत प्रोक्तलिङ्गाधिकाकृतिम् ॥ ५५ ॥ यद्युन्मादे ततः कुर्याद्भूतनिर्दिष्टमौषधम् ।
बलिं च दद्यात्पललं यावकं सक्तुपिण्डिकाम् ॥ ५६ ॥
स्निग्धं मधुरमाहारं तण्डुलान् रुधिरोक्षितान् ।
पक्वामकानि मांसानि सुरां मैरेयमासवम् ॥ ५७ ॥ अतिमुक्तस्य पुष्पाणि जात्याः सहचरस्य च ।
चतुष्पथे गवां तीर्थे नदीनां सङ्गमेषु च ॥ ५८ ॥
The thoughts which has turn into disordered as a consequence of loss (destruction) of probably the most appreciated issues needs to be made to turn into regular by supplying equivalent issues, assurance and consoling phrases. That madness brought on by lust, grief, concern, anger, pleasure, jealousy, and greed mitigated by exposing him to their respective reverse qualities. When signs of seizures by evil spirits are discovered predominantly, that type of madness needs to be handled with medicines/ remedial measures indicated to ward –off the evil spirits. Oblations needs to be provided consisting of meat, flour of Hordeum vulgare made into balls meals that are fatty and candy, rice (boiled) blended with blood, cooked or raw meat, sura, maireya, asava, flowers of Hiptage benghalensis, Jasminum grandiflorum, and Casearis esculanta¬, providing being achieved on the assembly place of 4 roads, cattle shed or confluence of rivers.

Anya Chikitsa: Different therapies

निवृत्तामिषमद्यो यो हिताशी प्रयतः शुचिः ।
निजागन्तुभिरुन्मादैः सत्त्ववान्न स युज्यते ॥ ५९ ॥
The particular person of a powerful thoughts doesn’t take pleasure in meat and wine; who eats solely wholesome meals, stays clear (each bodily and mentally) doesn’t turn into affected by both Nija or Agantu (endogenous or exogenous) Unmada.

Indicators of treatment of Unmada

प्रसाद इन्द्रियार्थानां बुद्ध्यात्ममनसां तथा ।
धातूनां प्रकृतिस्थत्वं विगतोन्मादलक्षणम् ॥ ६० ॥
Purity of the sense organs and their objects, mind, soul and thoughts and normalcy of the tissues of the physique are the options of (the particular person) treatment of madness.

इति श्री वैद्यपति सिंहगुप्तसूनु श्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां षष्ठे उत्तरस्थाने उन्मादप्रतिषेधो नाम षष्ठोऽध्याय: ॥ ६ ॥Thus, ends the chapter – Unmada pratisedha – the sixth in Uttarasthana of Asthanga Hrdaya Samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapti Simhagupta.



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